7 Things to Help After You Have Lost Your Furry Best Friend

Losing a pet leaves a silence in your home that feels deafening. For me, I feel the heaviness of grief like a heavy tear-soaked cloak difficult to disrobe.

Our dog Gunther with an enormous branch in his mouth. We sometimes thought he couldn't carry it home to the car but he always managed!

The Greatest Gentle Giant, Gunther!

Recently having said goodbye to our beloved Gunther (the gentlest giant who ever lived), I know that empty feeling all too well. While nothing can fully fill that pet-shaped hole in your heart, here are seven things that might help make the journey a little easier.

1. Keep Those Walks Going

Your body and mind are used to those daily walks, so don’t stop now! Even without a furry companion by your side, maintaining this routine can be incredibly therapeutic. Plus, you might just make some four-legged friends along the way.

Personally, seeing all the dogs sitting in their cars waiting for their humans outside of stores, seeing their smiling faces on walks, definitely helps. There’s something magical about being around dogs…their pure joy and unconditional love is contagious in the best possible way.

2. Spend Time with Other Pups

Visit friends with dogs, stop by a dog park, or volunteer at a shelter. While no dog will replace yours, there’s something magical about getting slobbery kisses from other furry friends. They have a way of making your heart feel a little lighter.

We had the chance to dog sit and wow did this darling steal our hearts and bring joy to our home.

Solstice, a black lab mix who is 2 years old sitting on our couch, certainly helping morale after losing Gunther.

Solstice, bringing us so much joy while dog sitting

3. Find Some Healthy Distractions

It’s okay to lose yourself in that new Netflix series, YouTube shorts or that addictive phone game. Sometimes, a little escape is exactly what we need. Just remember to set a timer — we don’t want you turning into a complete couch potato…

[I inadvertently was successful 3 times in beating my Woodoku game (ok, I did just have surgery) and now that a week has passed, it’s time to put it down and get back to work!]

4. Hydrate and Nourish

Grief can make us forget the basics. Keep that water bottle handy and try to eat regular meals. Your pet would want you to take care of yourself (they always did worry about us more than themselves, didn’t they?)

5. Embrace Comfort Food

Make that pudding! Bake those cookies! Sometimes, a bowl of something sweet is like a hug for your soul. Calories don’t count when you’re healing (I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♀️).

6. Be Gentle With Yourself

If you need more days at home, take them. If you burst into tears at the sight of a dog toy, that’s okay too. Your pet gave you years of unconditional love — you’re allowed to take time processing that loss.

7. Soak Up Some Sunshine

When you’re ready, step outside for some Vitamin D. Feel the sun on your face and remember all those perfect days in the park or for us, up jagged mountains and off in the woods alone so Gunther could run to his heart’s content off leash. Our pets taught us to appreciate simple pleasures…honor their memory by continuing to do so.

Remember, just like every pet is unique, every grief journey is too. Take what works for you from this list and leave what doesn’t. Your furry friend would want you to be happy again, even if getting there takes time. After all, they spent their whole life trying to make you smile. 🌈🐾

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Do you love dogs as much as we do? Do you have a good story about your beloved furkid you would like to share? I need alllll the dog love I can get right now! TIA 💗

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Karin Priou

Lake Tahoe Copywriter | Outdoor Lifestyle | Mental Health | Hospitality | Helping Remarkable Businesses Share Their Stories with Authenticity


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