Exercise? I thought you said “Extra Fries?”

Group Exercise and its benefits.

Hold the fries…

What is it about exercising?

We all feel good after. We know we are supposed to move our bodies. We have the dopamine and endorphins and the confidence that happens naturally as a by product. We get stronger, we can do all the things we want to do…

But everyone seems to have big dreams of going to the gym 5x times a week and instead of 5, it becomes a big ol’= NONE. 

Jon Acuff’s book Finish really put some insight into how the human brain works and although our dreams can galavant up Mt Everest in a single bound, the very reality of well, the real world, is that real time and real habits need to start small and reasonable. 

Prayer Flags blowing around hanging over a trail with Mt Everest in the background.

Prayer Flags on Mt. Everest / Ananya Bilimale

But, I am not here to blow up Jon Acuff… again

(Maybe later?)

How to motivate oneself.

A few years ago, pre-Covid, I had a job as a liquor rep and it drove me all over the Sierras, once a month down to Sacramento, all-by-my-lonesome. There are plenty of us who work alone… Do you feel me?

Yes, I visited clients, and yes, part of my job was being social, but I really lacked community, and camaraderie which came naturally in resort and restaurant working environments.

So, when I found Ensync, a spin class, (lucky for me there was a sandwich sign advertising right where I turn to get out on the highway) I was over the moon. 

Which is difficult- figuring out timing, classes you like and location… How will it work best for me? Will I even go?

First thing in the morning? Before dinner? After dinner? (shudder.)

An indoor spin class about to start with all the bikes lined up

I had never been to a spin class, and in all my awkwardness, I was greeted by the instructor, someone warm and welcoming (who also helped me get my new fangled shoes into the bike probably for, oh, no joke, about a month.) 

What worked.

The timing worked and although many of the people seemed to know one another, it was only a matter of time before I started chatting them up.

I had my buddy (well, she had to be my friend, right?) the instructor (and master of clicking shoes into the spin bike!) some music that was artfully crafted by the instructor and changed every class (important to those of us who need new and exciting alllll the time) and oh yeah, a butt-kicking workout. 

It wasn’t just exercise for my body which sat in the car all day, or was moving heavy dirty boxes (it was one or the other, really) but it was a chance to be part of a community. And a healthy one at that! 

Of course, I could go next door to Steamers (our neighborhood bar) and immediately find a drinking community, but I needed something healthy and a little less easy than going into a bar after work, and having a few shots. (No offense, Steamers.)

I was the ultimate Queen (capital Q) of making single serving friends (note: Fight Club. Airline scene) that I would put in my phone and never talk to again. 

Group exercise outdoors with a trainer.

“Group fitness can help you socialize and gain support,’ as noted by Mat Kite, BS, CSCS, Director of Education for D1 Training. “There is security in having others around you who are working toward a common goal, and the support helps to overcome a lot of concerns for beginners, such as fear of difficulty or failure.”

When you notice you can go a little faster, handle a little more, stretch a bit deeper, confidence can’t help but grow and mature. Working out with people of varying levels of experience helps improve this confidence further by providing you with inspiration and support for reaching your next goal. 

“I believe it to be a key indicator that working out in a motivational pack or using it as a tool to enhance internal or external competitive performance is fast becoming the preferred form of exercise.” Rob McGillivray, personal trainer and founder of RETROFIT.

Positive peer pressure

I’m one who loves a pack… and those forces could be used for good or for evil… why not translate this into I-know-Jane-is- going- to- be-there, and she-is-going-to-give-me-hell if I don’t make it so- I- will- go- as- to- not- hear- it- kind of pressure?

There is even science to prove this! The Köhler Effect is the idea that no one wants to be the weakest link in a group setting. When it comes to fitness, this translates to pushing yourself harder when tasked with working out with people who are fitter than you.

In addition to that, the owners & instructors of Ensync celebrate holidays with decorations and special drinks and snacks… Birthday bikes are made up to celebrate the special person of the day, with corresponding music for class. This is not just butt-kicking, this is about community.

It started to get to the point, that they didn’t even need to bribe or lure me with snacks; I just wanted to stay after to hang out and catch up with everyone. Spend time with a healthy and happy community. Come to find out, that warm and welcoming instructor and I thought alike and who has consequently become a dear friend. (You can make adult friends in middle age! Woot!)

ohhh Covid.

Covid was brutal for this “meeting in groups” factor… and the studio even had to shut down for a time. I continued to work… because, you know, liquor was essential. (eye roll.)

I bought some On running shoes to stay active out in the open air, snowshoeing was fun when we had snow and I even tried at-home yoga but it just-wasn’t-the-same. 

Humans are easily adaptable and adapt, we did. We cocooned up as much as we could (eternally grateful my partner and I actually like each other.) We did outdoor activities as much as possible, but the routine of meeting up and accomplishing a common goal (finishing the class! ) was out the window. Just like any shred of normalcy humanity was hanging onto. (Me? Bitter? Ha! )

Three people snowshoeing in Colorado. Photo taken from the fourth snowshoer's perspective from the back.

So, I think that with the Covid aftermath, (I still don’t think we are completely over it) we came out kind of shell shocked, without a debriefing in sight… 

One thing I do know 

We are social creatures, (minus the pandemic) wouldn’t it just make sense to gain confidence, physical prowess, ramp up our endorphins, improve our mental health while giving our neighbor a gentle nudge of positive peer pressure while working out? 

So, I am not saying to be a viable human you must go work out in group settings… What I am saying is I am humbly, unapologetically envious of those self starters that can get themselves out for a run at 6am. Or even get into any semblance of a work out routine that is solely motivated by themselves alone. (I might be weak, but hot damn, I know myself.) 

Also, I’m not saying spin is the answer (there are literally dozens of group exercise classes to choose from) or even Ensync specifically…

ALTHOUGH… Ensync IS offering a “Holiday Hustle” with complimentary classes from November 27 - December 9th if you want to dip your toe into the spin world~

Trust me: they will help that toe get into the shoes and even guide you until you master the art of clipping in! (it probably won’t take a month like me. (giggle.)

Three girls with their arms up looking like they are celebrating during a beautiful sunset.

And here’s the deal:

Ensync is the best here in our little mountain town of South Lake Tahoe.

AND… You might just get in shape, feel better, and meet a forever friend…

. . .

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

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Fact check: I strive for accuracy and fairness… if something is off, please send a shout! Kp@kpcopy.com

Karin Priou

Lake Tahoe Copywriter | Outdoor Lifestyle | Mental Health | Hospitality | Helping Remarkable Businesses Share Their Stories with Authenticity


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