P!NK, another four letter word for LOVE…

A show that is not only seen and heard…

The human race has been around for approximately 300,000 years and you are one of the lucky ones who get to be alive at the same time as P!NK… AND… you are blessed to see her live?

Double-double bonus.

Her music has been around for two decades on radio stations, discmans, iPods, Pandora and Spotify etc… but, despite the mediums over the years: the message of empowerment boldly holds true for all for all of the years.

The Trustfall show started with her on screen as Max Headroom. Perhaps the “kids these days” didn’t recognize… which I thought was super comedic, unique and authentic to Pink’s style… as she is a kindred spirit Gen Xer.

So, entirely… apropos…

P!NK superimposed herself onto Max Headroom's face for part of her opening of the Trustfall tour. Max Headroom was advertised as "the first computer-generated TV presenter" in the 1980s.

So, replace Max’s face with Pink’s beautiful mug and you get the picture…Photo: Everett Collection, Entertainment Weekly 

As her title of her album and tour, Trustfall begins with her band and dancers on stage… yet, where is Pink? Oh she is high above the neon lit Trust- Fall sign embellished with big red lips liken to Rocky Horror Picture Show

P!NK starts her concert way high in the air, in between two lips at her Trustfall tour.

Photo by DA Mission Photos, KALW 

She literally “trust falls” right onto the stage… adoring sparkly pink leotard and matching sparkly platform lacey boots. 

As “Get the Party Started” starts it literally is Saturday night and she even comments on how this goes… well, perfectly. (wink.)

At times you feel like you were invited to her home for an intimate piano serenade. At others, it is a mega-coliseum dancing, lights, spectacular.

Seeing her with her band and her dancers they aren’t just in sync physically, but you see them as a beautiful tribe psychologically and spiritually. She boasts not only on her documentary, All I Know So Far but at the show as well: these people are my family.

Photo by DA Mission Photos, KALW 

To name a few of her beauties performed: “Raise your glass,” “Just like a Pill,” “Just Give me a Reason,” “F**kin’ Perfect,” “Blow Me (One Last Kiss),” are excellent in person, and she surprises us with select covers: 

Bob Dylan, “Make you feel my love,” “Just Like Fire/Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar, “Me and Bobby McGee” (performed most famously by Janis Joplin and written by Kris Kristofferson) “No Ordinary Love” that got all us Gen X’ers in the mood by Sade. 

So, this amongst her aerial badassery is just well, incredible. Second to none.

Mind blowing.

But, what I think really adds to the whole production is the undeniable LOVE beautifully peppered through out. There is something ethereal yet so down to earth about how it is presented and thereby enjoyed.

One of the moments P!NK is actually still, playing her very gorgeous piano in a very beautiful dress (that she stepped into from her aerial stunts.)

Photo by author 

She stops and says “her cheeks are hurting she is smiling so much.”

SHE is smiling so much… saying, “I feel like a big ol dork seeing all your faces, and this is what I get to do.” What SHE gets to do.

Her gratitude isn’t just spoken, it is felt.

Her “T” shaped stage allowed for guests to give her gifts, and for her to lay down and take selfies and interact… Such an important part of what she does, it seemed effortless (note: feeling like you are at a dinner party at her house and she makes allll her guests feel special.)

Taking a gift of a Pride rainbow flag and wrapping it around her, and then tying it to her mic stand, accepting a big bag of Cheetos and the “best smelling” flowers ever (what seemed to be an authentic Hawaiian) lei… Then, also setting it down as to not “muss” it up. (Awh!)

After being gifted a rainbow flag, she wraps it around herself for awhile and then drapes it over her mic. Dressed in a pink sparkly leotard and some rockin pink sparkly platform boots

Chase Center. Top right by Saul Sugarman for The Bold Italic.

Thanking everyone and announcing she feels “seen” and “loved.” It’s like you are having a one-on-one connection with her as well as being part of the community that is Pink and her all-inclusion. 

Naysayers told her “"once she had kids her career was over"… but not for P!NK, she just includes them… duh.

A hilarious “why the chicken crossed the road” (you had to be there!) joke was shared that her son Jameson recently made up, and Willow was able to join for their song “Cover Me in Sunshine” which was an awesome unexpected treat.

“So What” was the encore with her “buzzing the tower” (to stay on theme with our Gen X references) literally buzzing the entire arena. Up to the nosebleeds and down around the midsections… 

Her haughty stomping around in her sparkly boots, to her soft piano playing in a flowing white skirt that she steps into (being craned down from the ceiling in true Pink fashion) to her literally swinging around the whole stadium at lightning speeds! Waving hello, blowing kisses and making eye contact with everyone. 

Pink buzzing the entire Chase center strapped in by cables, reaching down to screaming fans. She really is a special human.

Chase Center. Top right by Saul Sugarman for The Bold Italic.

My friend will even swear he had a personal moment where she said “Hi” specifically to him.

Whether this is true or not, doesn’t really matter: That is the beauty of Pink. She makes everyone feel this deep intimacy like we could be the only ones in the room or we could be a collective of tens of thousands of the Chase center in San Francisco.

We ALL feel seen and heard.

Pink is one special beautiful sparkly stud. That makes everyone feel special while mutually feeling special herself doing what she does best. 

There is an exchange. A connection.

So what. She’s still a Rockstar.

But she is also a badass human as well.

And that’s what makes this four letter word, so uber special.

Thank you, P!NK! Xoxo

. . .

If you would like to talk all things P!NK, copywriting, or would like to leave a comment, use the form below! Xoxo

Fact check: I strive for accuracy and fairness… if something is off, please send a shout! Kp@kpcopy.com

Karin Priou

Lake Tahoe Copywriter | Outdoor Lifestyle | Mental Health | Hospitality | Helping Remarkable Businesses Share Their Stories with Authenticity


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